5 Myths About the East Coast
If you live on the West Coast and have never been to the East, you’re probably wondering whether East Coast people is any different. Quick facts, the East Coast experiences all four seasons – spring, summer, fall and winter. Well sometimes, Spring is more so like Summer and it feels like we skip over Fall at times, but you get the point. Media has a huge impression what this side of the U.S. is all about. From the slang to the style, there’s obvious difference. From someone that has lived on the East Coast all their lives, New Jersey to be exact, here are some myths about my side of town that aren’t necessarily true.
1. New York City Isn’t the Only Main Attraction
Let’s face it. When you think of the East Coast, you would probably imagine giant skyscrapers. You may have heard of Times Square. Yes, Times Square, the heart of New Year’s Rockin’ Eve every year. However, New York may be the most popular, but it’s so much more than a busy tourist attraction. In fact, there are a few other top pics from Boston to the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. There are many beautiful attractions located in the heart of Washington D.C or Boston. We can’t count out Philadelphia either. Washington D.C has many historical settings that includes monuments and museums that will take you into an enchanting journey. Boston has gorgeous weather in the area with a large shopping scene. Oh yeah, there’s Tom Brady too.
2. We Aren’t All Rude and Cynical
Yes, people on the East Coast can be aggressive. Yes, we may not be the friendliest, but not everyone is rude. You can find plenty of people that are outgoing and courteous. I guess the hustle and bustle of many cities has made us seem as if we don’t want to help each other out. The thing with the East Coast is that it may take a little longer for the pleasantries.
3. We Have Beautiful Weather
The East Coast has beautiful weather all year round. It may not be the heat of California, or Texas for that matter, but it’s gorgeous here. During the fall, we watch the miraculous change of leaf colors from green to a glowing orange. In the winter, the it’s guaranteed that we’ll expect snow. We’re equipped for it too. A couple inches is just a dusting for most of us while anything near a foot is a completely different story.
4. Health Is Important to Us Too
A negative connotation is that we do not care about our health as much. I mean, not everyone is outside running and exercising when its 30 degrees or below. Recently, there has been a growing movement that advocates for a healthier lifestyle. Researchers have shown that many on the East Coast have been developing a Mediterranean diet that includes seafood and fish. Most commonly known as Paleo. Other popular trends include weight lifting, intense cardio, and yoga. As a health enthusiast myself, I am a keen believer in fitness and good health.
5. We’re Not Like the Movies
Just like the West Coast isn’t all Hollywood, the East Coast is a far cry from Sex & the City. A lot of what’s on the screen is not what life is. Not everyone wants to be a rapper, model, or actress. We have careers and we love to travel just as much. Oh, and not everyone from New Jersey is from the Jersey Shore.
So, who’s the winner East versus West? The battle of the ages really comes down to personal preference. There’s plenty of things to love about the East Coast. I’ve been here all my life and I still haven’t seen everything. The vibe is amazing. The atmosphere is great. We’re people just like everyone else regardless of which side of the country you live on. We love and enjoy life just like everyone else.
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